Pose B, 2022. Engraved air-dry clay, laser cut, and bent aluminum, imbus bolt, 40 x 20 x 65 cm

Pose & Role at HOTO, IST-BLN, exhibition view, 2022

Pose A, 2022. Engraved air-dry clay, laser cut, and bent aluminum, imbus bolt, 45 x 11 x 70 cm

Role, 2022. Welded industry-standard aluminum profiles, 50 x 50 x 150 cm

Role performed by Okay Vivian

Role & Pose, @HOTO, Potsdamer Str. 120,10785 Berlin, 2022

Residency by IST-BLN

Curated by Meral Karacaoglan

Photography by Julian Blum