No Entry at Imalat-hane with Can Küçük, exhibition view, 2022

I Wish, 2022. Paraffin, candle wick, 40 x 40 x 95 cm

Content, 2022. Stainless pipe and sheet bending, fiberglass, polyester, two-channel video 2’34’’, 170 x 140 x 260 cm

No Entry with Can Küçük, 2022, exhibition view.

I Don't Like You, 2022. Snot, gravel, concrete panel, insulation board, construction net, oil paint on plaster, steel rope, 30 x 30 x 350 cm

No Entry with Can Küçük, 2022, exhibition view.

Tumor, 2022. Cardboard bracket, onionskin paper, pipe resistance, cyberknife tumor treatment mask, varnished wood, colored pencil on paper, bolt, metal, 260 x 30 x 215 cm

Bird, 2022. Credit card, 3D resin print, 2.5 x 2 x 2.5 cm